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オーケストラと合唱のための作品です。使徒パウロは新約聖書の重要な著者でした. 彼は正統派のヘブライ人であり、有名な教師であるガマリエルの下で教えられました. 最初はキリスト教徒を迫害しました.彼はクリスチャンを迫害することはイエスを迫害することであることに気づき、彼の人生を変え、真のクリスチャンになり、人々に奉仕しました。


(This is the song wrote for Orchestra and Choir. The apostle Paul was an important author in the New Testament of the Bible. He was an orthodox Jew and was taught by the famous teacher Gamaliel. It can be said that he was a top student at that time and was well-known by the public. Due to the influence of religion, At first he was persecuting Christians, and it was not until a great light from heaven came to him that he understood that persecuting Christians was persecuting Jesus, which transformed his life, became a true Christian, and served the churches.)

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